Exploring the Durability of Wooden Pallets: Insights from the Field and FasTrack Simulation Testing

The durability of wooden pallets is a critical factor in determining their overall performance and longevity within supply chains. As pallets are subjected to repeated handling and transportation, their ability to withstand wear and tear directly impacts their usefulness and, ultimately, supply chain efficiency. Predicting the durability of pallets offers valuable insights into potential maintenance costs, replacement schedules, and environmental impacts through the reduction of waste.
CPULD’s graduate student Jorge Masis conducted research to correlate the damages observed in wooden pallets used in real-world conditions with those observed in controlled testing using Virginia Tech’s FasTrack simulation. FasTrack is a state-of-the-art testing sequence designed to simulate the physical stresses that pallets undergo during real-world use, such as handling, transportation, and storage. By subjecting pallets to controlled, repeatable conditions, FasTrack allows researchers to replicate and predict the damages that might occur over the lifespan of a pallet.
Factors such as the types of materials used, the design, and environmental conditions all play a role in determining how long a pallet can remain serviceable. Being able to predict a pallet's durability is vital for supply chain managers as it allows for proactive decision-making regarding pallet replacement and repair, helping to optimize operational costs. The objective of Masis’ research was to correlate the damages observed on wooden pallets used in the field and the damages that occur during simulated testing using FasTrack. Specifically, this project aimed to assess the following:
- The modes of damage observed in pallets used in the field.
- The location and severity of these damages.
- The frequency at which certain types of damage occurred.
- A comparison of field results with damage patterns seen in the FasTrack simulation system.

Masis’ research provides a comprehensive understanding of how different damages affect the performance and longevity of pallets and offers insights into the accuracy of Fastrack as a predictive tool. This study focused on the inspection of 48 in. x 40 in., stringer-class, wooden pallets that had been used in the field. These pallets were evaluated for damage, with specific attention given to the location, type, and severity of the damage observed. The results were then compared with historical damage information collected on pallets that went through the FasTrack simulation.
One of the key findings was that the behavior of pallet damage did not change significantly based on the severity of the initial damage. This suggests that pallets fail primarily because initial damage worsens over time due to prolonged use rather than due to sudden, catastrophic failures. This incremental damage highlights the importance of early detection and maintenance, as a damaged pallet will continue to degrade until it is no longer functional.
Some differences were observed between the damage patterns in pallets used in the field and those tested through FasTrack. Pallets used in real-world conditions showed a higher occurrence of damage in the following specific areas:
- Stringer Notches: The notches in the stringers, which support the overall structure of the pallet, were among the most frequently damaged components. This is likely due to repeated lifting and handling by forklifts.
- Bottom Lead Deckboards: The bottom deckboards, which bear the weight of the load and come into direct contact with the ground or other surfaces, also showed high levels of damage.
- In contrast, FasTrack revealed a different pattern, with more frequent damage occurring in the following areas:
- Top Deckboards: The top surface of the pallet, which directly supports the load, showed more damage during simulation testing. This may be due to the controlled loading conditions in FasTrack, which emphasize uniform pressure across the deck.
- End Boards: The outermost boards on the pallet also exhibited more damages after FasTrack testing than after field use. This could be a result of the way loads are applied and distributed during simulations.
Interestingly, Fastrack caused less damage to stringers compared to field observations, indicating that certain real-world factors, such as the specific handling techniques used by forklift operators, might not be fully replicated by the simulation.
The distribution of damage across different pallet components, both in the field and during FasTrack, reveals that continuous impacts during handling are the major cause of pallet failure. For example, stringers and bottom lead deckboards experience the most significant wear, largely due to frequent interactions with forklifts and ground surfaces. This study found that stringers are more susceptible to damage after relatively minor impacts, confirming the importance of proactive maintenance to prevent these components from degrading beyond repair.
Since FasTrack caused more frequent damage to the top lead deckboards and stringers, while other components, such as the notches and pallet feet, exhibited lower damage frequencies than observed in the field, the simulation might need refinement to better replicate the real-world conditions, particularly in terms of forklift interactions. The study recommends adjustments to the simulation, such as altering the spacing between the fork tines, to increase the likelihood of fork tine collisions with the notch area, which is a common source of damage in field use.
These discrepancies underscore the complexity of predicting pallet durability. FasTrack offers valuable insights into how pallets perform under controlled conditions; however, it may not capture all the nuances of real-world usage. Variations in how pallets are handled, environmental conditions such as moisture and temperature, and the types of loads placed on the pallets can all influence the type and severity of damages sustained. Nevertheless, simulation testing remains a powerful tool for identifying potential weak points in pallet design and for improving durability. By understanding how pallets are likely to fail under specific conditions, manufacturers can make informed decisions about material selection, design modifications, and maintenance protocols.
This research on the durability of wooden pallets offers valuable insights into how different damage mechanisms affect pallet performance both in the field and in simulated environments. The findings highlight the importance of monitoring initial damage and performing regular maintenance to prevent the worsening of minor issues. Additionally, the study emphasizes the need for continued refinement of FasTrack in order to better replicate the real-world conditions pallets face throughout their lifespan.
As businesses seek to optimize their supply chain operations, understanding the durability of their pallets will play a crucial role in reducing costs and promoting sustainability. By using both field observations and advanced simulation techniques, companies can make more informed decisions about pallet selection, maintenance, and replacement, ultimately improving the efficiency and reliability of their operations.
Read the full research article here: https://bioresources.cnr.ncsu.edu/resources/comparison-of-damage-to-wood-pallets-in-use-with-damages-occurring-using-the-virginia-tech-fastrack-simulation-of-pallet-use/