Amazon SIOC Certification

A look at Amazon certifications...
Due to our extensive experience in distribution and protective packaging, in addition to performing tests, all of our faculty and staff are qualified to help improve your packaging if needed, so it will pass all of the applicable Amazon tests!
To lower packaging waste and reduce its environmental footprint, Amazon has introduced the Frustration Free Packaging (FFP) Program to ensure that all packages arrive to the customer without any damages. And, to provide an incentive for companies to adopt and follow the FFP Program's rules, Amazon has announced the Vendor Incentive Program as well.
Amazon has partnered with the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) to develop a comprehensive pre-shipment testing program. All packages larger than 6″ x 4″ x .375″ that are sold through Amazon must be certified through the FFP Program. After that date, any vendor using packaging that are not FFP certified will be charged extra fines and fees by Amazon.
Please use the buttons below to find more info about the FFP program and the rules that must be followed for package certification. Also available below is a form that you can use to begin the process of having your packaging tested and certified by CPULD.
Amazon SIOC testing - package types:
- Type A: Parcel delivery of individual packaged-products less than 50 lb. (23 kg).
- Type B: Parcel delivery of individual packaged-products 50 lb. (23 kg) to less than 100 lb. (43 kg).
- Type C: Parcel delivery packaged-products 100 lb. (43 kg) or greater.
- Type D: LTL delivery of individual packaged-products less than 100 lb. (43 kg).
- Type E: LTL delivery of individual packaged-products 100 lb. (43 kg) or greater.
- Type F: LTL delivery of individual palletized packaged-products.
- Type G: LTL delivery of individual packaged TVs and monitors that are less than 150 pounds (68 kg) & have a girth equal to or less than 165” (4.19 m).
- Type H: LTL delivery of individual packaged TVs and monitors that are 150 pounds (68 kg) or greater or have a girth greater than 165” (4.19 m).
How to initiate APASS Amazon testing with CPULD:
- Step 1: Download and fill out the APASS Testing Request Form found above.
- Step 2: Send the completed form to Director Laszlo Horvath at, and you’ll receive an official price quote.
- Step 3: Review and approve this quote.
- Step 4: Over pack and submit the necessary product samples to the Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design. Make sure to clearly display the received project ID on the outside of the shipper used to overpack the package that needs certification.
- Step 5: CPULD will conduct the appropriate package testing. The products must meet all requirements for the corresponding standards listed in the rules and guidelines (found to your right). And the products must pass the appropriate International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) tests: 6 Amazon SIOC test (Tier 1 or Tier 2) and/or 6 Amazon Overbox (Tier 3).
- Step 6: Receive the Amazon standard lab report from CPULD.
- Step 7: Go to the Amazon Vendor Central webpage and complete the appropriate Amazon forms. The report received from CPULD can be uploaded at this point to expedite your approval process.
- Step 8: Await the verification from Amazon that your products have passed the testing process and have been certified. Verification is communicated on your Packaging Certification Dashboard page of the Amazon Vendor Center.
One handy rule to know: If you sell packages that are made of the same material, and have only slightly different sizes, you can use the form-factor certification to reduce your testing costs. You will likely only need to test the largest and heaviest item (the primary ASIN) and all of the other items (secondary ASINs) will receive certification as well. You can learn more about these types of Form Factor Certification Rules and FFP Guidelines above.
Find more information about Amazon certifications using these FAQs pages.