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Our laboratory involves our talented packaging students in every project that we are working on. Therefore, our clients not only get solutions to their packaging challenges but also get to help future generations of packaging students to be more prepared.

Facilities - Main Picture

facilities main

This laboratory is equipped with highly specialized equipment that is designed to test a wide variety of pallet materials and sizes to all ASTM and ISO standards. This lab is the premier pallet testing facility in the world and works with industry-leading wood, plastic, metal, and corrugated pallet companies. 

Fastener Testing Lab

corrugated lab

CPULD's Pallet Fastener Testing services allows companies to comply with pallet fastener regulations. Fasteners can be tested for how much force it takes to bend them and how much force it takes to pull them out after they’ve been driven into any particular substance. The  stronger the fastener is the stronger your pallet will be.



distribution packaging lab

corrugated lab

The Distribution Packaging Testing Lab offers research and contract testing services for packaging that needs to travel thru any distribution environment. We are certified to conduct all ISTA standards testing. We have an extensive array of sensors that can be used to research your particular packaging issues. Due to CPULD’s extensive experience in distribution and protective packaging, our faculty are qualified to help improve your packaging so that it will pass all applicable testing requirements. 

Amazon SIOC Certification

amazon lab

CPULD has the only facility in Virginia that is APASS and ISTA certified. We are certified to conduct all of ISTA's Amazon tests including Project 6: Amazon – SIOC (A-G) and Project 6: Over-boxing. Due to their extensive experience in distribution and protective packaging, our faculty are also qualified to help improve your packaging so that it will pass all applicable Amazon testing requirements!



We can help you with your corrugated material testing in order to maximize the quality of your packaging. We offer a full range of testing capabilities in a controlled environment, and all of our tests can be done following any American or international standards - including the standard corrugated materials tests, such as Edge Crush, Flat Crush, Box Compression, Bending Stiffness, Water Absorption, Bursting Strength, and Friction, among others. 

IKEA Corrugated Board Certification

ikea lab

CPULD has one of the four IKEA certified laboratories in the world, and the only one in North America. Our lab offers certifications for corrugated boards and load bearers for IKEA customers. Our research-grade testing equipment and highly-experience faculty can ensure that the results you receive are always accurate and of the highest quality. 



The Packaging Design and Prototyping Lab is equipped with everything needed to design corrugated materials and converted packaging for various manufacturing or distribution needs.

We offer a full range of package design and prototyping capabilities in a controlled environment to maximize performance while reducing costs and improving the sustainability of your packages.

Once a new packaging design has been created, customers can work with our other labs to conduct testing to any international standard.