CPULD students Joe Keller and Clark Sabattus have both graduated with their Masters degrees

The Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design congratulates Joseph Keller and Clark Sabattus for passing their Master’s defenses! Clark graduated in December 2022, and Joe will officially graduate in May 2023.
Clark’s research had focused on the “Measurement of Hazards Experienced by Pallets During Material Handling.” His work is featured in a CPULD News article. Based on the results of his research, new intensity levels were recommended for some tests conducted during CPULD’s FasTrack procedure in order to better represent the real levels of harshness of handling seen in the field. The results of this study will be used to revise durability testing procedures used in pallet testing standards in order to better represent the current material handling processes found in modern supply chains.
After graduating, Clark moved back closer to his family in Texas and currently lives in Austin, TX where he’s working in Logistics Account Executive for the Total Quality Logistics company.
Joe’s research was titled “Predicting the Joint Stiffness of Wooden Pallets Assembled with Lag Screws and Carriage Bolts.” His research has also been featured in a CPULD News article. Joe’s study concluded that the model that had been developed for common pallet nails could also be used to predict the performance of pallet joints made with alternative fasteners. The results of his study will be included in the Pallet Design System (PDS) software in order to allow pallet designers to design pallets using bolts and lag screws.
After successfully defending his thesis in February, Joe currently interviewing with companies.
“I had a privilege to work with these exceptional students,” said Laszlo Horvath, CPULD director and an advisor to both students, “and I am looking forward to see the difference that they will make in the packaging industry.”