CPULD's annual membership meeting was held virtually again in 2021

During the Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design’s annual Industrial Affiliate Membership meeting, held virtually during the first week of August, 2021, our graduate students gave presentations about research completed over the last year, members gave their input on what directions they’d like research to go in the future, and everyone was updated on the state of CPULD due to COVID-19, as well as the past year’s renovations and budget.
Most of our students’ research projects are done at the request of industry partners, and are usually designed to satisfy questions or issues that have arisen in our partners’ supply chains. These leading companies are working with us to be at the forefront of innovative pallet and package research. We are collaborating to develop new, innovative ways to design pallets and unit loads, as well as finding ways to improve the sustainability of the packaging supply chain.
Over the past year, our graduate students have been researching the following topics, while also leading groups of undergraduate students who were conducting the research:
- Evaluation of the maximum pallet deflection under forklift handling conditions. (Yu Yang Huang)
- Investigation of impacts and damages observed by pallets during physical distribution. (Jorge Masis)
- Evaluation of the environmental benefits of increasing the stiffness of pallet top deck. (Saewhan Kim)
- Characterizing the environmental impacts of common e-commerce packaging options for sustainability-minded stakeholders. (Saewhan Kim)
- Evaluation of customer perceptions of e-commerce packaging. (Eduardo Molina)
- Evaluation of the effect of pallet top deckboard on pail compression strength. (Mary Paz Alvarez Valverde)
Each of the graduate students gave a presentation to the membership outlining the results of their research. The recordings of these presentations were uploaded to a shared, members-only folder. The results have already been made available as well.
During the second day of the meeting, our members had the chance to offer suggestions for the focus of next year’s research projects. Eight graduate research initiatives were proposed and have been put to the membership for a vote, as well as five undergraduate research topics. The topics for CPULD’s upcoming research projects have been decided upon and are outlined below. Students will start working on projects ranked 1 and work down the list until either all research options are complete, or the list is adjusted by another membership vote.
Our industry affiliate membership is a three-level program offering industry promotion, discounts on CPULD’s services, and access to a wealth of knowledge and world-renowned experts. In addition, we foster a close relationship between our membership companies and their potential future employees — companies are regularly connected with our students during research projects, internship opportunities, and networking events.
CPULD is very excited about our 2021 research projects and the membership program’s momentum. Join other worldwide companies in benefiting from an Industrial Affiliate Membership with the Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design at Virginia Tech.